Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Singing Elves

Today was a good day. Most of the day I did not have any responses from ANY contacts but still progress was made. I guess since a lot of people who read this won't understand what the heck a contact is or an account I will go into detail. Pretty much my life right now involves, Salesforce, staying up late, and waking up early. Maybe once in a while I eat... While working. Here are the details.
Salesforce is an online program designed for many businesses including non-profits like Invisible Children. We store all contacts, (people within the community of IC that participate regularly), accounts, (venues used to host screenings), and events (dates in which we will host the screenings) in this database. Everything we experience is documented, analyzed and taken into account from meeting a person that is curious of IC, to a mega church that had a $5,000 successful event. Being a Roadie is much more than lazily booking screenings throughout the tour. Our job, to save the future of Northern Uganda, is based on our success between booking successful quality screenings before our tour begins and the speaking aspect as well. Maybe when someone thinks of a roadie they think of a kinda smart, and maybe a good speaker. Truthfully, I did not expect what was to come. What I once thought would be relatively difficult working style would be completely forgotten. This is definitely the hardest and most complex situation/job I have been involved with. The stress is high, along with the lingering cloudish feeling above my head. Do not even come close to thinking that this is me complaining. I would regret not having to work this hard on Invisible Children. I love my work, if I could continue this for the rest of my life I would. Don't be afraid parents I won't. But the future if Invisible Children rests in our hands, the hands of 60 simple youth leaders, but good hands at that.

If you are a little curious as to why the title to this post is called "Singing Elves" and I have not even come close to talking about singing or elves, I will explain. Today I called my Grandparents Mother, Father, and last but not least, my great Girlfriend. After the wonderful talks with my family and friends I just sat and looked at the hazy but somehow beautiful landscape of San Diego.

I am a very pondering type of guy. I have my thinking times and I have my socializing times, but most of those times are my independent alone focus periods. As if on cue, some of my fellow roadies walked outside with their cool acoustic guitars and a laptop. After about five minutes of singing and playing, about ten other people showed up. It was like the Roadie wild call. The way I come to the idea of putting a blog up randomly called Singing Elves, well there is a purpose. In my eyes singing organized and silently totally reminds me of an elf group singing. Maybe after reading the book Eragon I see it that way now. This book makes elves look like the all around better and more civilized humans of the world. Sometimes I feel that way about these people now living with me. They are mostly overall respectful, nice, and caring. So I guess an elf is the best way to describe these features.

Whenever these "elves" sing in the story everything is serene, peaceful, and beautiful. Thats the vibe I felt that night. A sense of accomplishment and commitment in my life that I had never once before felt. My thanks go out to the singing elves.

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